Friday 29 October 2010

This is England

This is England shows a good use of convergence because there were a lot of companies which got evolved with this project. Because Channel 4 helped with advertising on their television channel by putting them in adverts between programs and after the film was released at the cinemas channel 4 showed it before any other channel did even before they got released on DVD.  Channel 4 gets given ten million to invest in films and this helps because if they put a small amount of money into a film they will get the screening rights and will advertise them as well. Another film which channel 4 have invested in is Slumdog millionaire which was chart topping for a long time and one of the most popular film of that time and especially in England because that is where it originated from. Whereas the UK film council have twenty seven million from the lottery and twenty seven million from the government money to distribute to films. Other smaller companies come and help towards the funding for example EM media bringing £250,000 to this is England because they want people to know about east midlands because it was in the film also screen Yorkshire gave money because they want to also advertise where they are in the world and why people should visit their area in the UK. The UK film council gave £668,000 from the new cinema fund to this is England project also 90,000 from the prints and advertising fund. There is also other fund like the development fund, premiere fund which help towards the funding of this is England. All of the funding goes to Warp films because they are the production team who will be making and producing the film. After the film has been completed then it will go to the distribution company in this case Optimum releasing which distribute the film to cinemas and also do the advertising while the film is being made for example they would make the posters and the DVD cover when it is released. The film this is England was distributed to sixty two cinemas in the first week and went up in the following weeks but went down as everyone had already seen it in the last weeks but as a whole this is England stayed in the cinemas for fifteen weeks. After all the money for this is England had been collected in IMDB said that the total budget for this is England was 1.5 million where as the EM media site said that the total budget for this is England was 2.25 million but this could have included the distribution and marketing which does not include with this is England filming and the production side of things. I think that the convergence way of producing a film is the best way for all the companies because from this is England it shows that all companies can make a profit and advertisement. Another good reason for more film being done the convergence way is to cut down on companies expenditures because companies don’t have enough money to completely pay for the production of a film and by only paying a small bit this allows the company to allow for more films to pay towards ending up in more advertising for that company then just one expensive film.

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